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Coconut Tree Trimming Guide – Process, Tools, & Tips

If you have a lush coconut tree gracing your property, you’re probably well aware of the beauty and bounty it brings. However, coconut tree trimming is an essential part of maintaining its health, appearance, and productivity. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a newcomer to the world of tree care, learning how to trim a …

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Who is Responsible for Trimming Trees Near Power Lines?

When a tree takes a tumble onto power lines, it’s not just a falling tree—it’s a potential disruption to our daily lives. The responsibility for restoring power and ensuring safety in such scenarios isn’t a straightforward equation, but rather a complex interplay involving utility companies and homeowners. The pivotal point lies where regulatory codes meet …

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Who is Responsible for a Fallen Tree? [We Know The Answer]

Trees not only enhance the aesthetics of your property but also contribute to its value. However, unforeseen incidents like a tree or large branch falling can lead to potential damage, personal injury, or a considerable mess that requires immediate attention. When faced with such a situation, determining responsibility becomes crucial. Who bears the financial burden …

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